education for global citizenship
conferences and workshops

Thanks to the expertise it has acquired in the field through its international projects, CCI offers age-appropriate conferences and workshops on economic inequality, social justice, climate justice, armed conflict and human rights, and gender equality and women’s rights.
Each activity, whatever the theme, is a gateway to addressing issues of children’s rights, human dignity, poverty, gender equality and the importance of access to education. These activities also provide participants with avenues to develop their power of action, thus becoming agents of change capable of participating in the creation of a fairer, more equitable and more sustainable world.
A full catalog of existing workshops is available here, but the CCI team continues to innovate by offering the possibility of tailoring workshops to the needs of participants.

Because involvement and commitment always start with awareness-raising, CCI hosts interactive kiosks in schools of all levels every year.
Thanks to a dynamic approach based on quizzes, games and other fun educational tools, young people are made aware of child labor issues, international solidarity issues and CCI projects.
Contact us to organize a kiosk at your school!
international development week

Funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC), International Development Week (IDW) takes place every year during the first full week of February. Launched in 1991, its aim is to highlight the international development activities of the Canadian community.
In Quebec, the Association québécoise des organismes de coopération internationale (AQOCI) and its 67 members in 13 regions of the province organize this awareness-raising week for Quebecers. Save the Children International, as a member of AQOCI, is marking the week by organizing activities in the Montérégie region, where its head office is located.
IDW offers Canadians an excellent opportunity to learn more about the role played by the public in international development, to learn more about the various global issues and to discover the means available to them to become true citizens of the world, by taking an active part in international development.
thematic days
CCI makes a point of highlighting, either through the organization of events or activities, or through the publication of press releases, certain thematic days celebrated by the United Nations. These days serve to give visibility to issues facing different groups of people around the world, which CCI supports through its projects.
– International Child Soldiers’ Day, February 12: the aim of this day is to raise awareness of the recruitment of children into armed groups, and of all the violence to which they are subjected.
– International Women’s Rights Day, March 8: this day is an opportunity to celebrate all the progress made in the field of equality between women and men, but also to call on everyone to remedy the inequalities that remain.
– World Day Against Child Labour, June 12: highlighted by the International Labour Organization (ILO), this thematic day gives visibility to the issue of child labour around the world, and to the actions needed to put an end to it.
– World Day for the Dignity of Victims of Human Trafficking, July 30: this thematic day aims to raise global awareness of the criminal exploitation of human beings, including forced labor and sexual exploitation.
– International Day of the Girl Child, October 11: celebrated since 2012, this day focuses on the needs and issues facing girls around the world.
– Universal Children’s Day, November 20: the aim of this day is to promote the rights of children around the world, as enshrined in the Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Contact us to organize an activity to mark one of these days!